The Author's Native Landscape

Natives Garden: Year one

Natives Garden: Year two

Natives Garden: Year three. During a drought - notice how dry the lawn is, compared to the natives, who don't mind at all.

Natives Garden: Year four

The author in her front yard native landscape, welcoming her favorite blossoming native plant, Culver's Root, just bursting into bloom. Honeybees love Culver's Root too.

The author, in front of her living native Moonseed vine wreath, trained onto the wreath-frame she built. Moonseed is an amazing vine that can be trained to do just about anything you want it to. It has a lovely 'tiled' leafing habit.

Native Moonseed arbor, coming and going. This arbor used to be covered by trumpet vine, a pretty invasive alien cultivar. The moon seed vine, growing from just one plant, has replaced it, with a little help. The moonseed should completely cover the arbor by next summer