Native Landscapes

What is a Native Plant?
A native plant is any plant whose ancestors were here before Europeans settled North America.
Native plants are quite location-specific, and do best in their bioregion of origin. For example, plants that are native to NW Oakland County, Michigan (Great Lakes Bioregion) are exquisitely adapted to the soil conditions, the climate, and the wildlife that are found here. They thrive in this place. They do not require fertilizer, soil amendments, or pesticides. Over centuries, they have evolved natural protection against most garden pests. They are drought-resistant and once established, require little or no water. When fully mature, they are visually attractive, to wildlife and humans alike.
Get a list of native plants specific to your region.
Below, see how deep the roots of native prairie plants go. If there’s any water anywhere, they can find it. Contrast these deep root systems to those of lawn grasses, on the left:
Michigan Native Wildflower Coloring Book 2010 Vol 2
Native Plants Photo Gallery
Demonstration Projects
Author's Native Landscape
Weed Law Violations
A native plant is any plant whose ancestors were here before Europeans settled North America.
Native plants are quite location-specific, and do best in their bioregion of origin. For example, plants that are native to NW Oakland County, Michigan (Great Lakes Bioregion) are exquisitely adapted to the soil conditions, the climate, and the wildlife that are found here. They thrive in this place. They do not require fertilizer, soil amendments, or pesticides. Over centuries, they have evolved natural protection against most garden pests. They are drought-resistant and once established, require little or no water. When fully mature, they are visually attractive, to wildlife and humans alike.
Get a list of native plants specific to your region.
Below, see how deep the roots of native prairie plants go. If there’s any water anywhere, they can find it. Contrast these deep root systems to those of lawn grasses, on the left:
Michigan Native Wildflower Coloring Book 2010 Vol 2
Native Plants Photo Gallery
Demonstration Projects
Author's Native Landscape
Weed Law Violations